Return to Work

 After a week of vacation, I was happy to get back to work. I don't know how happy I am though. The Visitor Center lobby smells like feet and I discovered that we have a mice infestation going on. I can't believe how accustomed I was with the odor of my coworkers. I was only gone a week from here, but they don't smell too pleasant. 

I knew there would be some changes to occur while I was gone, but I didn't know how much. It wasn't a lot it looks like. It feels like they are setting the entire staff up for failure, so be it. Just means I have to take care of my team and make sure it doesn't fail.

Other than that, nothing feels different. I just picked up everything like I never left. I'm exhausted. Waking up at 3:30 in the morning sucks. 😴 Caught up on work emails. Picked up overtime. Just a little tired. I'll definitely get back in routine with sleep after today hopefully. Hopefully, I'll get re-accustomed to the smell as well. 


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