The Difference in Luck

There are those that believe in luck and those that don't. Some of use believe that it is mere coincidence. Sometimes we have to hope and dream of a time far a way in the distance and hope our dreams come true. We gamble and play around with our credit and money and we lose. We do it with our cars and our bills. As humans, some of us are more responsible, while the rest of us are more...well...not... 

My Hubbies's Luck

From when we met it was a roller coaster of disaster of responsibilities. He has such a big heart! He is the kindest person you will ever meet. But if you believe in luck, he drew the short straw. 

The Joys of Car Troubles

From the moment I met him, he has always been down on luck with vehicles. He poorly maintains them, and has very little knowledge on cars. It is always the "I'll do it the next day" mentality and listening to what the shop says instead of listening to what I'm telling him. He also is a very angry driver...when he gets mad he is very aggressive with his car. I haven't met a man that isn't.

He has gone through quite a few cars, but we've always came through. Unfortunately, due to his poor vehicle maintenance we have to do quite a few major repairs for his cars quite often. It leads me to end up paying for his cars for a long period of time. 

 I know, you are probably wondering why I put up with someone like that. Well its because he is still a good person. Let me continue with my story about our luck, because even my draw isn't that great either. 

My car troubles are usually me physically being ran over during my pregnancy by a minivan, me totaling my dream car (my dad's 97 mustang that I got from him), getting t-boned with my child in the vehicle (scariest day of my life), and then my car is usually basic repairs and maintenance. I'm in debt right now on my car because I wanted to be proactive on an oil leak before it became a problem. 

Now are the car troubles luck or is it just how it plays out? 

Courts and Hassles 

Here is the fun part. Hubby has a horrible credit line. I've been trying to get him to work with me on getting him to build it up for a little while now, but he hasn't. I think it is too ruined now for it to even work for him to apply for anything worthwhile. I think he would have to talk to his bank to even fix the issue. 

Unfortunately due to deaths in the family or incidents, such as our child becoming mentally ill and car accidents, hubby missed about 1 week of college classes and he didn't realize it and didn't receive notifications and the start date was not posted online. Now, he is facing a court date in the future because the college is suing him for the money for the one to two weeks he did not attend. He had a death in a family and we were dealing with a lot of stuff at the time. College was the last thing on his mind. 

He kept trying to go back to college, but they wouldn't let him. They pulled these imaginary fees out and said he owed them money that he never received from them on his card. We had communicated with the college multiple times, and it didn't work. He tried to continue going to classes and finish college, but the college refused to budge.

My credit is somewhat better than his. I've worked on mine for quite awhile. I've been buying a lot of stuff online building my credit presence and it is working. I've been working on my student loan debt and that has been working. I also work on paying my bills on time, and I feel that works good as well.

I finished college myself, and the only court situation I have had was when Progressive went after me and said that my child needed his own car insurance to pay for his own medical coverage. We ended up winning. Sadly Progressive still has it on hubbies' credit history and it shouldn't be as that was in the agreement portion to remove the rest of the monthly premiums.

Mental Health

My hubbies' mental health has declined rapidly over the years. His past traumas have been resurfacing. I think it is due to our son is reminding him more of him as a child in certain aspects. He hasn't been himself in quite a long time. His doctor put him on some medication. It has seemed to help him, but only a little. He still gets angry too much and he isn't aware of it. The abuse his Mother's side put him through scarred him deep, and all I can do is support him.

My child, unfortunately had to be hospitalized at the age of 7 his mental illness. It about broke me. There is nothing you can do once you have a broken child. This year he was diagnosed with autism which was a huge relief for us. Now we just have to wait on a long list for a proper ABA therapist to be available.

My mental health is not that important as theirs is. I can handle it as I always have. I am struggling, that is for sure. But the hubby is at his breaking point I think. He can't make it through another financial loss right now. 

Job Security

My hubby doesn't have a good track record for jobs. Between his car issues or his mental health, he just can't keep them. I think he finally has a good one now. Most of the time, his employers were honestly just bad bosses. They had no compassion for him. One of them were even so spiteful they ruined his chance for unemployment when me and our son were in our severe car accident and they let him go. They said it was for attendance, even though we all know that wasn't the reason. There was an employee there that hated him with a passion. I shouldn't regret saving that person's life but its something I do regret. If I hadn't of saved that person, my hubby would have still had that job and we would possibly be better off by now and he may never have lost going to college, just so much happened, because of one life being saved it feels like.

For me, jobs have come and gone, and once I have them, I usually keep them, and get told I do too good of a job. Your coworkers and supervisors do not like it when they want to be lazy and you like to work. I like everything to be done exactly how it is supposed to be done. I am really hard on myself when I fail. I'm about to be making a major change of careers myself. I've worked at the same place since 2017 and its a dead-end job and its just not worth the stress and drama anymore. 

Not Luck

Overall, I don't think it is luck. I think most of this was preventative, not my child's mental health, that would have been me not having him, and I wouldn't change that. I would like for the facility we are going through to escalate his case a little faster! That would be nice! 

If it is luck, me and hubby even each other out so we are pretty much average or below average on luck. I feel overall, I am confident we are able to overcome anything that is going to come our way. We always do.

What do you think, is it luck or mere fate inspired by our choices? 


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