There are those that believe in luck and those that don't. Some of use believe that it is mere coincidence. Sometimes we have to hope and dream of a time far a way in the distance and hope our dreams come true. We gamble and play around with our credit and money and we lose. We do it with our cars and our bills. As humans, some of us are more responsible, while the rest of us are more...well...not... My Hubbies's Luck From when we met it was a roller coaster of disaster of responsibilities. He has such a big heart! He is the kindest person you will ever meet. But if you believe in luck, he drew the short straw. The Joys of Car Troubles From the moment I met him, he has always been down on luck with vehicles. He poorly maintains them, and has very little knowledge on cars. It is always the "I'll do it the next day" mentality and listening to what the shop says instead of listening to what I'm telling him. He also is a very angry driver...when he gets mad he i...
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